DataFlow’s CSR Campaign To Provide Safe Drinking Water for Children in India

Home » Blog » DataFlow’s CSR Campaign To Provide Safe Drinking Water for Children in India

Published Date: 26 August, 2022

Last updated on: 02 November, 2022

Safe and readily available clean drinking water is crucial for public health. In India, it’s estimated that less than half of the population has access to the basic, but essential commodity of clean drinking water.

The absence of clean drinking water causes waterborne diseases to thrive and Unicef estimates the economic burden of this to be in the region of 600 million USD per year.

The most concerning impact of a lack of clean drinking water is on India’s children. As stated in the Convention on the Rights of a Child, “All children have the right to clean water and basic sanitation.” To support this and to safeguard the health of the children and make them the agents of change in the community, the DataFlow Group joined forces with Naandi Community Water Services and Ipure as part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Naandi Community Water Services and Ipure, under its School Water Program, ensures free access to safe drinking water and hygiene education to children (WASH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, initiated by Unicef) at schools and creche centres in the communities.

The DataFlow Group has reached out to around 1,500 school children through two government schools in Hyderabad and another government school in Jangam, India, for the year 2022-23 under its CSR Program to try to ensure that these children have access to safe drinking water.

The program was inaugurated in Hyderabad on 23 July 2022, which received wide coverage in vernacular local news paper “Andhra Prabha”. Collectively, we’re proud to be able to help protect communities in conjunction with the efforts of Naandi Community Water Service and Ipure.

About The Author

  • Stephanie Mckee

    Stephanie McKee is the Group Head of Marketing at the DataFlow Group. Based in our Dubai HQ, Stephanie focuses on the benefits of international opportunities for job seekers and healthcare employers and how to optimize these processes. She has worked at and the DataFlow Group for almost 5 years and regularly contributes to our expert blog.

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